techfrederick Weekly Covid-19 Virtual Roundtable Notes
April 13, 2020 / Brooke Faulkner / News
Did you miss last week’s techfrederick Weekly Covid 19 Virtual Roundtable? We had all of our small business resource questions answered by experts at SC&H Group. If you’d like to find out more about what was discussed, you can CLICK HERE to read the transcript.
For more information and valuable resources, we encourage you to visit SC&H Groups Coronavirus Resource Center HERE. We also recommend taking a look at the Frederick County Business Financial Tool available HERE, a community project put together with information from local leaders, techfrederick, & Frederick County OED.
We hope you’ll join us next week on Thursday, April 16th as we discuss “You have an employee with Covid-19. Now what?” We will be talking to a local CEO dealing with this. He’ll also have his legal team on the call to answer all your questions.
techfrederick Board Member, and CEO & Co-Founder of Orases, Nick Damoulakis will facilitate this Q&A Session to address the week’s relevant small business issues.