Information, Needs, Resources, Help… Up to Date Information For Our Local Business Community

March 24, 2020 / / News

Guidelines and restrictions are changing quickly. Needs are arising.Help is available!

We’ve listed some “Call to Action” items first, followed by a compiled list of up to date information and available assistance.

Updated Information

MD Governor Larry Hogan ordered non-essential business shutdown as of 5PM on March 23, 2020. Here is the Executive Order and Interpretive Guidance. This morning the State issued a clarification and additional guidance with regard to essential businesses HERE. This is an addition–it does not override yesterday’s order.

Up to date COVID19 information for businesses always available at


Call to Action: Your Help is Needed!

Frederick’s downtown retail businesses need your help/advice on equipping to work and sell online. If you are a local IT service provider, MSP, specialize in e-commerce solutions, or have a helpful “getting started” guide and would be interested in assisting over the phone, please contact Amy Pontius at to have your name added to a “directory” we will pass along to our retail partners in need.

Does your company provide PPE and/or are willing/able to retool your manufacturing facilities? Please reach out to

Wishing to serve or make donations? Please visit

Your Input Matters! Help Frederick Help You

*Help the Frederick County Office of Economic Development understand the impact of COVID19 on your business. Take THIS SURVEY to help us shape the most effective way to assist you.

*Help the City of Frederick: Department of Economic Development understand the effects of COVID-19 in our local economy. The responses to THIS SURVEY will help quantify impacts and shape strategies for mitigation & assistance.

New Resources Available to You

Maryland Department of Labor Relief Funds available now under the Layoff Aversion Fund, which is designed to support businesses undergoing economic stresses due to the pandemic by preventing or minimizing the duration of unemployment resulting from layoffs. Please visit

Maryland Department of Commerce has authorized several loan and grant funding programs for small businesses and manufacturers that have been negatively impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Please visit to see if you qualify for assistance under the Emergency Relief Grant Fund, Loan Fund or Manufacturing Fund.

Are you a local business struggling with the current challenges that COVID-19 guidelines have imposed? techfrederick may be able to help! techfrederick’s Board and Advisory Board have many experienced business owners/leaders who might be able to help you brainstorm your way through this time and even provide fresh perspective. If you could benefit from a virtual call or video chat with local industry leaders on navigating these current business challenges, please contact Amy Pontius at

Are you a Frederick County resident who has lost your job due to the Coronavirus crisis? techfrederick Member ClientMind Recruiting has set up a website Hire Me Frederick to help match job seekers with employers. This is being provided as a community service with no costs to employers or job seekers.

We’re all in this together.

Let’s continue to engage as a community!

Amy Pontius

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