Covid 19 Vaccine: Employer Considerations Webinar


With two coronavirus vaccines having been approved for emergency use, many employers are considering if compulsory vaccination is the best path. This webinar will review the recent EEOC guidance in regard to these vaccines and consider the implications of merely encouraging. Presented by Jennifer Jackman, Partner, Whiteford, Taylor & Preston and Legislative Chair for the …


techfrederick Quarterly Networking Event

Date Tentative Join us for a casual evening of refreshments, networking and prizes. Don't forget your business cards - this is a great chance to engage with industry professionals right here in Frederick. Check back soon for location and registration information!


Meetup: Open Workshop (jointly with the other MeetUp Groups)

Details The tech meetup groups in Frederick have joined together in an open workshop every 3rd Saturday of each month. Either work on a common project selected for the day or bring your own project and enlist the help of others. Come learn, help, and make friends! Online meeting option is at the public invite …


Open Source Meetup: Ham Radio Raspberry Pi

Details There's a lot of great ham radio software available for the Raspberry Pi for everything from HF digital modes to Packet and Winlink. Ham-pi installs on your Pi with a simple Bash script, offering over 30 applications and utilities to select for installation. These utilities range from a simple clock to satellite pass prediction …

Pragmatic Python

Your Remote Workspace

Training: Pragmatic Python Date: Saturday, April 10, 17, 24 | 10am – 12pm Location: Your remote workspace, Google Meet, Discord Instructor: Matt Layman, Software Architect and local Frederick tech legend Cost: $450 through grant support, techfrederick is able to offer this class for $50 


Meetup: Open Workshop (jointly with the other MeetUp Groups)

Details The tech meetup groups in Frederick have joined together in an open workshop every 3rd Saturday of each month. Either work on a common project selected for the day or bring your own project and enlist the help of others. Come learn, help, and make friends! Online meeting option is at the public invite …


Pragmatic Python

Your Remote Workspace

Training: Pragmatic Python Date: Saturday, April 10, 17, 24 | 10am – 12pm Location: Your remote workspace, Google Meet, Discord Instructor: Matt Layman, Software Architect and local Frederick tech legend Cost: $450 through grant support, techfrederick is able to offer this class for $50 


Pragmatic Python

Your Remote Workspace

Training: Pragmatic Python Date: Saturday, April 10, 17, 24 | 10am – 12pm Location: Your remote workspace, Google Meet, Discord Instructor: Matt Layman, Software Architect and local Frederick tech legend Cost: $450 through grant support, techfrederick is able to offer this class for $50 


Quarterly Networking Breakfast

Your Remote Workspace

Join us from your remote workspace on April 29, 2021 for “Excellence in Project Management” presented by Kathryn Murphy, Director of Operations Logistics of Orases, Sarah Stellabotte, Market Delivery Leader of AstraZeneca and Courtney Greeley, Chief Operating Officer of Redjack. Let's be honest, we are all managing projects everyday! In this program, we'll hear their …

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