Experience high-quality training at a very affordable price with techfrederick’s ASPIRE training program.
How it works:
1. techfrederick secures funding. Community partnerships and grants pay for most of the training expenses. Our largest grant is provided by the State of Maryland’s Department of Labor and is called the EARN grant (Employment Advancement Right Now). This grant is regional in focus and is provided to us to help cultivate a skilled tech workforce in the Frederick area. We use these funds to offset the high investment of top-notch training, so even smaller businesses and individuals can afford amazing classes.
2. You apply for a class, providing career-related data for the reports. The MD Dept. of Labor requires us to track, aggregate, and report certain metrics, including a salary range, job title, county of residence, etc. Once you enter our system, all personally identifiable data is “rolled up” inside a unique participant ID.
Individual participant names and data are never shared and your information is CONFIDENTIAL. All class information is bundled and provided to The Department of Labor each quarter.
We ask these questions before confirming your seat to:
- verify you are part of the regional area which we are bound to support (#moretechinFrederick)
- be sure the class matches your background and prerequisites are met
- track the success of the training and prove we are utilizing funds appropriately
3. techfrederick reports back to the fund sources. You will be periodically asked to complete a follow-up survey to see how the training has helped you. As we help upskill our local workforce, fill skills gaps and make attendees more competitive in their field, we capture these successes. This becomes part of the body of proof we use to obtain new funds for the next season of training.
Additional questions? Please contact ASPIRE training coordinator, Brooke Warburton bwarburton@techfrederick.org